
Obscure language and Kites

The other evening, Sunday I think, I was talking to a lady that I know, when suddenly something she said caught my attention. It's not that I wasn't listening, but more that she used a word that I had never heard, or at least I didn't recall the meaning.

I stopped her and asked, "What was that word you just used?"
"Loquacious", she said, "I'm being loquacious."
"What does it mean?", I inquired.
"Talkative.", she replied.
"Do you have a dictionary?", I asked.
"Yes.", she said, "It's on the bookshelf."

I've always been very curious about virtually everything, and whenever I hear of something I don't know, I see it as an opportunity to learn something new. So I retrieved the dictionary and looked up Loquacious. "Very talkative", was the listed definition.

She went on to say that her brain must be waking up, as she was re-discovering a vocabulary that she hadn't used in quite some time. Words were just coming out of her mouth in conversation that she hadn't uttered in years. I kept the dictionary handy.

Later on, while chatting and watching television, the subject of photosensitivity came up and I asked "Do you like the beach?"
"I love the beach.", she replied.
"Do you like to fly kites?", I asked.
"I love to fly kites", she said.

Imagine that. First Scrabble, and now kites.

The following day I happened to be online looking up words and checked for synonyms of loquacious. One of them was garrulous, which means "Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative."

Loquacious with an attitude.

The next time I saw her, I mentioned finding the word garrulous. She seemed to be offended. Apparently, she is just loquacious.