

I'm preparing for an interview. Not changing jobs or anything like that. It's a personal get to know you kind of thing.

One of the questions has to do with gas. Yes, flatulence.

Everyone has gas, right?

I know, many of you don't want to say yes, but it's true, isn't it?

So if we all produce gas as the natural result of processing our food, why is it such a big deal?

I know what your thinking. I have a friend who could clear a barn too.

But I'm not talking about the extreme cases that should be removed from society. I'm talking about you and I. Regular folks.

You try to talk about these things with people, figuring you might be able to put them at ease, avoid some pain. You put yourself out there, tell them you too, have gas at times.

Usually, you just get funny looks, but sometimes ...